Thursday, May 10, 2012

Google Translator

Here is the second paragraph from the preceding post:

The Progressive Party started off in the early 20th century and gained a large following of citizens who felt the government had lost touch with the people and had become irrelevant to their desires and needs. This feeling is still with us today, this disconnect from our government, so, apparently, the early Progressives were not super successful in reconnecting citizens to their beloved government. But, hey, they agitated until women got the vote, 8-year-old children didn't work in coal mines and textile factories anymore, and banned (legal) alcohol consumption for 15 years or so. I'm glad the alcohol thing didn't last, and I'm glad they were not able to legislate their list of Moral Initiatives (as God wanted them to do) and I'm glad they stopped pushing that eugenics thing.

Translated into Russian:

The Прогрессивной партии начался в начале 20 века и получилиширокое СЛЕДУЮЩИЕ граждан, которые считают, что правительствоутратили связь с народом и не имеют отношения к БЫЛО стать ихжеланиям и потребностям человека. Это чувство все еще с намисегодня, это отключиться от нашего правительства, так, видимо, ранопрогрессисты не были успешными в повторном подключении суперграждан на их любимого правительства. Цель, эй, они перемешивают доженщины получили голосов, 8-летний дети не работали в угольных шахтах и текстильных фабрик больше, и запретил (юридическое) спиртав течение 15 лет или consommation так. Я рад, что дело алкоголя непоследнее, и я рад, что они не смогли узаконить их список моральныхинициатив (как Бог хотел сделать 'Em) и я рад, что те, которыеостановились нажатием евгеники вещь.

From the Russian into French:

Le Parti progressiste a commencé dans le début du 20e siècle et ont été largement SUITE citoyens qui croient que le gouvernement avait perdu le contact avec les gens et ne pas avoir à faire avec eux était d'être les souhaits et les besoins de l'hommeCe sentiment est encore avec nous aujourd'hui, il est déconnecté de notre gouvernementparce que, apparemmentprogressistesdébut n'ont pas réussi à re-connexion des super-citoyens à leur gouvernementbien-aimé. Le butheyils excitèrent les femmes ont reçu le votehuit ans les enfants ne travaillent pas dans les mines de charbon et les usines textiles plus,et interdit l'alcool (légale) de 15 ans ou si consumptionJe suis heureux que le cas de l'alcool n'est pas la dernièreet je suis heureux qu'ils n'étaient pas en mesure de légitimer leur liste des initiatives éthiques (comme Dieu a voulu faire'Emet je suis heureux que ceux qui ont arrêté en appuyant sur la choseeugénisme.

Then back to English:

The Progressive Party began in the early 20th century and were widely SUITEcitizens who believe that the government had lost contact with people and not having to do with them was to be the wishes and needs of man . This feeling is still with us today, it is disconnected from our governmentbecause, apparently,progressive start failed to re-connection of super-citizens to their belovedgovernmentThe goalheythey stirred the women received the voteeightchildren are not working in coal mines and textile mills moreand prohibitsalcohol (legal) or 15 years if consumption. I am pleased that the case of alcoholis not the lastand I'm glad they were not able to legitimize their list of ethical initiatives (as God would make 'emand I'm happy that those who stopped by pressing the eugenics thing.

Not quite as funny as I'd hoped for. These translations gadgets are getting better. They used to be much funnier. Sorry.


  1. They are much improved and Google has always been one of the best, if not the best.

    They all struggle more with Chinese though:

    Democratic Progressive Party in the early 20th century, and the number of citizens, that the government has lost contact with people and their aspirations and needs, and has become independent of the following.This feeling is still with us today, this cut off our government, so obviously, the early progress is not super successful citizens to reconnect to their beloved government. But, hey, they excited the women have the right to vote until the 8-year-old child does not work in the coal mines and textile factories, about 15 years (legal) prohibition of alcohol. I am pleased to alcohol did not last, I am very pleased that they can not legislate, the list of their moral initiative (God wanted them to do so), I am glad they stopped, eugenics push things.

    Do you excite the women as the Chinese do??

  2. If it is God's will that I do.

  3. I am actually thoroughly impressed with it.

    I used it when I was buying some Japanese books from Amazon.ja and the translater made a hell of a difference. Told me just what I needed to know (state of the book, whether they were willing to ship overseas since Amazon.ja wasn't - they were third party sellers). If only I could learn it that quickly.

    Saved me more than fifty dollars over what I would have paid to buy them here.

    1. They are so much better than even a year and a half ago. Imagine my disappointment.



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