Back in 1990, the concept of a commercial spaceport, where regular people could take rides into space, had its beginnings with the vision of several people and $1.4 million in seed money from congress, with the help of then New Mexico senior senator Pete Dominici. In 2006, the NM legislature enacted laws providing for the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport. It is named "Spaceport America." As I write this, the first runway is being paved. The buildings will be constructed this year.
The money for the actual enterprise, as well as the "space ships" is being put up by Virgin Galactic, a company of Sir Richard Branson, Britain's man with the midas touch in air travel and all other things of the Virgin empire. Sir Richard has announced that New Mexico will be Virgin Galactic's world headquarters.
The facility's first launch tenet is UP Aerospace. Virgin Galactic has signed a 20-year lease as the anchor tenet, agreeing to pay $1 million a year for the first five years, plus more based on the number of launches its company makes.

I admit something like this excites me and I don't mind (as a New Mexico taxpayer) forking over money for stuff like this. Much of our money in NM is wasted on far worse things.
Basically, we are talking "low space" launches (meaning non-orbital) at first. Essentially they'll be like the first Mercury mission, more or less. Except that the launch rocket piggybacks on a mother ship (like a 747) to about 50,000 feet and then is jettisoned (like the first experimental shuttle "Enterprise" except this one will be powered.) If you don't have a little basic knowledge of the early American space programs, I am probably not making sense to you.
Don't be so quick to scoff - a lot of weird things have happened in New Mexico you probably don't know about. We'll see. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The author of this blog was driving by the spaceport not too long ago and took the below two pictures. There isn't much to see from the highway and I was not inclined to drive down the long lonely-looking road to the actual facility. All I could see in the distance (second picture) was some small buildings of some sort and a tall antenna. Ah well.
Click to enlarge.

Bottom 2 photos copyright 2010, Tom Osburn
Don't get too excited. I think you'll find them very noisy neighbours. Virgin Atlantic isn't well-loved near Heathrow or Gatwick. One of many I know, but who knows what might be coming to New Mexico in the wake of Virgin Galactic? David Icke maybe, steer very clear of him.
ReplyDeleteI used to have a crush on Richard Branson. Not that that has anything to do with this post...
I think it’s just a matter of time... but, it probably will be reserved to the rich upper class of society. We common folk won't have a chance in hell to see outer space with our own eyes.
ReplyDeleteKeep hope alive…
It should be noted that the company Celestis has send any number of people's ashes successfully into space, including Gene Roddenberry's.
I don't know how I feel about commercial spaceflight except that I hope they're wildly successful. The proof will be in the pudding. I know how hard spaceflight is, but I also know we have the knowhow and capability to do it. Let's see if those with the big plans have done their homework.
Here's hoping.
@A. - Noise? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it still make a noise? There is something Greater London has that the New Mexico desert lacks. Let me think. Hmmmm. Ah. People.
ReplyDeleteDavid Icke you can keep. :)
@Angelika - So true. :)
ReplyDeleteBut thank you for coming to say it.
@Jeff King - You never know. Maybe this is the start of something that will revolutionize space travel. Sure, it costs a lot right now.
ReplyDelete@Stephanie Barr - I had forgotten about Roddenberry. How could that happen? I once met a guy who said Roddenberry treated the little people around him like shit. I guess the guy was one of the little people. :)
ReplyDeleteI suppose I shouldn't speak ill of the dead.
Bill Richardson is sooo dishy!
ReplyDeleteYou can also spell his surname from Richard BranSON. See?
Okay, I'll go now.
Patchwork: I admit I’ve never thought either one of those things!