Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I think I'm starting to see a pattern here


  1. I had a teacher who was a tough guy, who used to call me, (the skinny kid in the class) "Charles Fatless" to gales of laughter from my peers. Well, Mr Houldsworth, I'll bet you're dead by now, or drooling. But if I knew where your grave was, I'd piss on it.

    This is the same guy who wrote on my end of year report "If he lives a thousand years, he'll still never understand physics". He wrote that a couple of days before the end of year exam results. based on me looking out of the window in class and not listening to him drone on and on.
    What he missed was that I was reading far ahead and beyond his lessons.
    So, a couple of days after he wrote that damning statement, the results were pinned up, and I'd come fourth out of two hundred in physics in my year group.
    So, teacher-man. Explain that, eh?

  2. @Adullamite - Then why did you take her to the beach and try to deal her in the first place?

    @Soubriquet - Charles Fatless? ROFLMAO. I love it! Sorry.



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