Saturday, August 28, 2010

Trees of Life

Today (Saturday) the first 16 of 416 Oak trees will make their way to their home at Ground Zero in New York City. It is the first step, finally, to turn what is essentially a mass grave into something living once again. The 416 trees will be part of the 9/11 memorial, surrounding the huge waterfall features containing the victims names. The memorial will be next to the (eventual) new buildings that are planned at the site of the September 11, 2001 attack on America. The trees will be in place in time for the annual memorial service held in a few days from now.

The trees will make their way from a New Jersey nursery to lower Manhattan on flatbed trucks and will be planted this weekend. The 416 trees are meant to symbolize rebirth. The trees were harvested from the three states where the attacks occurred: New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and have been growing at the nursery since 2007. They are now 30 feet tall.

Tonight, there will once again be life at Ground Zero.

Click to enlarge the below artist conception drawings of what the finished memorial will supposedly look like. The two mammoth pools will occupy the footprints of the original twin towers of the destroyed World Trade Center.


  1. Superb! There are so many levels and aspects of the symbolism there. When it's complete it will be inspirational.

  2. Thx for sharing this, and i agree with the plan to make a peaceful place out of a massive tragedy.



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